Saturday, November 1, 2008

Not Real Hot

That describes both the weather today and how my run went. I understand not every run can be perfect but when I am the cause of the bad run, it bothers me. I have been telling myself from the get go that I was going to gel at every 5 miles but I have yet to do that. Today it bit me in the butt.

The plan was to start a little later, 0700, so we could sleep in just a little bit. I showed up a bit before 0700 and Mike and Chris were already there waiting. Scott arrived shortly after and we were off. I was sluggish the first couple of miles probably due to eating something too close to the start of the run. That is something that I need to find a happy median with and stick to it. At mile 7 we stopped to take a GU and grab a quick drink and we were off again. At mile 10 is where I think things started falling apart. I was SO looking forward to our stop at mile 12 in Colony West for a restroom and drink break. Scott and Chris took a GU and I passed. That was my huge mistake. Mile 13 is when it all fell apart. I looked down at my watch and I was running a 9:45 pace and feeling lethargic. I took a GU and a couple Endurolytes. I just wanted to survive the next mile until the energy level picked back up. I felt good from mile 14 on.

We finished 17 miles in approximately 2:45. Not my best run but I survived. Sometimes that is all you can ask out of yourself on given days. From here on out, I am sticking to the GUs every 5 miles and the endurolytes on the hour. Running is a constant lesson and today I learned a big one the hard way.

Thanks to Scott and Chris for their support. If I was flying solo, I probably would have walked quite a bit today. The power of the group!!!!

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