Friday, November 7, 2008

Up "Tempo" work-out

I was feeling ok when I got up but throughout the day I was feeling like I was coming down with something. Maybe it was the cold front moving in or my body telling me it didn't want to run fast tonight. I didn't give in to the latter thoughts so I changed, did some stretching, and headed for the treadmill.

The work-out for the evening was a 5 mile tempo run. I started with a .5 mile warm-up and closed with a .5 cool down. The 5 mile run was at a 7:13 pace. I wasn't feeling that great while I was running. After a quick half lap breather at mile 2.5, I was off again. I felt very refreshed after the run. I think it was the huge amount of stir fry at lunch.

I completed the run in about 48 minutes. That's a long time to be on a treadmill!!!

Today is an easy day in preparation for my 18 miler tomorrow morning and an 8 miler on Sunday. That's a marathon spread over 2 days...Almost! :)

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