Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Past Week

Since I posted last, I have been keeping with the training. I'm starting to feel better about the Lincoln Memorial in a little over a week but i wish I was feeling better. I set a goal last year that I wanted to turn in a time around 1:38. I'd still like that but anything under 1:45 will satisfy me.

Last Thursday, March 19, I ran 5 and some change starting at Lincoln Park, running a lap through the cemetary, and then heading back to the park via the pond hills. It was an up-tempo work-out. I finished the evening with my Tri swim class. We finally got to swim a bit. YEAH!!!

Friday was a day off for a long run on Saturday. I dropped my son off at WHS at 5:30 and headed to Lincoln Park to run the LM course. I started at about the 5.5 mile point so all the hills were done first. I averaged an 8:30 pace with the last 3 miles being 8:00 or under.

Sunday was spent relaxing with some weights. Other than the weights, it was a pretty relaxing day.

Monday after work, I rode the recumbent bike for 30 minutes. I tried to keep a cadence of 90. I guess the number to shoot for while riding is between 85 and 95. It felt good over the 30 minutes. I covered 7 miles and felt very refreshed.

I decided to do some speedwork on Tuesday. I am going to start the speedwork pretty heavy when the LM is over in order to get ready for the spring/summer/fall races. I'd like to PR by 1 minute for the 5K. That would put aroung 18:57. The workout was 8 x 400 with equal recovery which was half a lap. The 400 were run at 9.3 mph (6:27 pace). I do all my speedwork on the treadmill. The last lap was actually a 600. I ended up running 5.25 miles if you count the 1 warm-up and cooldown in just under 39:00.

Wednesday was recovery day. 3 easy miles on the treadmill at about 9:00 pace. I followed the run up with dinner and then weight training.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Little of This... Little of That

In three days, I've biked, ran, and swam. I guess I'm a triathlete??? No... Not really but I think I might be on my way. I'm a little gun shy about entering a triathlon but I will have to sometime.

On Monday, I spent 1 hour riding the cross-train program on the recumbent bike. Mondays ALWAYS used to be cross-training day and I think I'm going to get back in that routine. I set the bike on level 2 and I obviously forgot how hard it was. It topped out @ a resistance of 6. Each segment was about 1 minute 10 seconds long. I totalled 16 miles with tired legs.

I fremembered I was going to take it easy on Tuesday after the hard bike ride but not until after I completed 6 x 800 @ 8.7 mph (6:53/ mile pace). I definately felt the bike work-out from the first 800. I made it through fortunately and totalled 5.25 miles that included .5 mile warmup and cooldown.

Today (Wednesday), I headed to the pool at the Y to practice the drills I've been learning in my Triathlon swimming class. I didn't keep track of the distance I swam but I did swim for 1 hour and covered everything I supposed to.

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Few Good Day

I've had a few good days but I don't think I am in any shape to run a good half in a couple of weeks. To be honest, I can't wait until this race is over so I can decrease my mileage a bit and get rejuvenated for the spring/summer/fall races.

I ran 5.25 on Thursday evening. The course consisted of about 8 hills. I ran through Lincoln Park and the cemetary in order to get some hills in since the course for the race is pretty hilly. I struggled at the beginning due to my sickness I'm trying to get over but finished strong... sub 7:00 over the last mile and a half.

Friday was a rest after running 13.25 from Tuesday- Thursday. Saturday was a long run. I ended up with 13.4 and sore legs. I was only going to do 10 but the weather was absolutely gorgeous. I set out about 11:00 AM. As I was running, I decided to do a negative split run. The idea is to run out a certain distance/time, turn around, and see if you can make it back to point A in less time it took you to do the intial distance/time. I ended up running out 1 hour (6.7 miles)and beat my time back by about 4 minutes. I ended up with a total time of 1:56 and some change.

Sunday was spent relaxing, taking a nap, and doing some strength/core training.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back to Running

As the title suggests, I'm back to running. It feels like I have been idle for 5 years. I rode the bike for 45 minutes on Monday and Tuesday I hopped on the treadmill for a 4 mile run. Although I was out of breath and my legs were like jello, It felt good to have completed a run. My chest hurt quite a bit and I'm sure it will for a few more days.

I'm going to hit the treadmill for a 3-4 mile recovery run tonight. Tomorrow night, I have my Beginner's Tri swim class. I might run after work and before class. I'm getting way ahead of myself though. :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Walking That Fine Line

Man!!! It's been so long since my last post, I almost forgot my sign in information. Just because I've been absent from posting doesn't mean I haven't been training. I was keeping pretty busy. Notice the word was???

I've been training for a Half Marathon in my home town on April 4th and I set a pretty lofty goal for myself. I picked out a pretty aggressive training plan & threw some stairs in the mix. I was running hard 3 days a week with 1 day recovery and a long run. I knew there was a fine line betweening training right AND smart and over-training. How would I know I had pushed my limits was a question I asked myself a lot over the past several weeks.

I knew I was getting tired from all the high intensity workouts and last week it finally hit me. I crossed that line into over-training. I hadn't been sick in I don't know how long but it hit me hard. I was WAY down and out for three to four days. As I write this, it is still sitting down deep in my chest.

As runners, we seem to always try to push our envelopes (at leats I do) without enough rest and our bodies give up on us... for only a short time. I'd been training the past year and a half pretty much non-stop and it finally caught up to me. On the bright side, my legs feel refreshed and rested up. I have 3.5 weeks before the race and my goal now is to just PR.