Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tempo Thursday

I rolled out of bed at 0450 this morning to do my tempo run. I hate trying to sustain a fast speed this early in the AM. Today's work-out called for 5.5 miles at a little slower than 10k pace.

After a .5 mile warm-up, I set the speed to 8.3 mph (7:13). As the run went along, I started to feel better and better. It takes me so long to wake up in the morning. Maybe that's why I have to be up extra early before a run. I can handle repeats in the AM but this steady pace was taking its toll. I completed the run with a .75 mile cool down.

I totalled 6.75 miles and hopefully I won't ever have to do a tempo run this early again.

I skipped my recovery run last night as I had a race director's meetings and didn't get home until 20:30. I could probably use the extra day off to prepare for the 19 miler on Saturday.

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