Monday, November 10, 2008


That pretty much sums up my run yesterday. It was a descent run but pretty cold. I had the wind with me for the first mile so I knew I would be suffering the last mile. The middle miles had a stiff cross wind. With all the leaves falling along the trail, there is nothing to block the wind.

I set out about 0930 for an 8 mile run. I went with a long sleeve wicking shirt, a pull over, tights, stocking hat, gloves, and a bottle of water. My goal was to run it at a relatively slower pace. I did accomplish that averaging about a 9:00 pace. It was pretty quiet running. I think I saw about 4 other runners on the trail and a group of 5 cyclist hitting the dirt trails. I completed the run in about 1:12 with my legs feeling a tad depleted but overall good.

I totalled 44 miles for the week. Next week is a cutback week so our long run will only be 12 miles. I think we are going to run the Frostbite course and add a couple miles. This run will determine if I run the race or not on December 7th.

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