Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Soooo Tired!!!

The first comment out of both me and Scott's mounth this morning was that we were both REALLY tired. I'm sure this is why Mile 1 seemed so hard...and slow (9:15 pace). But we quickly snapped out of it and were into a nice 8:30ish pace by mile 2. The morning was beautiful. The temp in my car said 53 degrees but with the little breeze, it felt cooler than that. I guess it is time to start digging out my cooler weather running gear.

We did our normal 7 miler from the Y, through the park twice, and back to the Y. I'm not sure what our pace finished up at but we were cruising (for us) the last 4-5 miles. I felt strong for the most part considering I rode the bike for 45 minutes and lifted last night.

I know it is still early but I am going to keep my fingers crossed that our training goes this well for the entire 18 weeks.

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