Sunday, October 5, 2008

End of Week 3

Today I concluded week 3 with a 6 mile run. I was feeling really good considering yesterday Scott and I ran 8 miles for our LSD for the week. It was our first cut-back week which means our long miles were dropped back a bit.

Scott met me for a run around Chatham. We totalled a little over 8 miles in 1:12. Our pace was probably a little faster than our typical long run pace but I think we were both feeling pretty good.

For my 6 miles today, I averaged an 8:36 pace in 51:41 running the last mile at a faster pace to work on my finishing. I know that probably sounds a bit faster than I should be running but I have decided to run the Allerton Park 5.5 mile trail run in 3 weeks. I know my competetive side will show up and I want this to be a quality race for me.

The next couple of week, our long runs will be 14 and 16 and this is where we need to watch our pace a little more closely.

As of today, I'm still feeling pretty good and am taking each day in stride (no pun intended) and trying not to look too far in advance.

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