Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

I was scheduled for a 7 miler after work but as I walked out the door from work it was raining. Not hard...yet. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do. Would I brave the elements and try to run outside or do I hop on the treadmill and do either a tempo, interval, or hill work-out. The rain was only supposed to last 1 day so I would get my 7 miler in on Thursday.

As I entered my subdivision, 2 women were dressed in there raini attire running outside (You go girls!!!). THIS was not going to make my decision any easier. If they were braving the elements, then I could too. After much thought, I didn't want to risk getting sick by running outside so now I was left to decide on which work-out I was going to do on the treadmill.

I resorted to a tempo run. I started with a .5 mile warm-up, 4 miles at tempo pace (7:13 pace), and a .5 mile cool down. My average over the 5 miles was 7:48/ mile.

I'm glad I decided to stay in and do some speed work. I have a race scheduled for October 26th that I need to get ready for.

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