Wednesday, January 28, 2009

8 down... 22 to go

Today was the first day of stair running for me. The venue of choice is the Springfield Hilton. It has approximately 30 floors and I have been told that we will be there in a couple of weeks.

Today we covered 8 floors and I can't even imagine at this time what 30 is going to feel like. We do a set of singles (each step on the way up) followed by a slow pace down then a set of doubles (every other step) followed by a slow pace down. THIS WAS TOUGH but I can see a TON of benefit in the distance. With our .5 mile warm-up from the Y and 1-1.5 mile cooldown, this was a great workout. My legs were definately feeling it.

I'm looking forward to 16 next week????

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