Friday, December 5, 2008

A Different Approach

To break up the monotomy of the same old tempo run, last night I split it into 2 segments of 3 miles. To be honest, I didn't really feel like I could go a straight 6 miles at 7:13 pace. With this being a cutback week, I didn't want to over do it. By the way... There was no jamming out tonight. :)

After some breif stretching, I hopped on the 'mill and started with a .5 mile warm-up before breaking into segment #1. Each segment was going to be run at 7:13 pace (8.3 mph). The first segment felt REALLY good. I thought about going on but decided to take a .25 mile break and catch up on the fluids. After a quarter mile, I started segment 2. I thought about increasing this segment to 8.5 but didn't. Maybe next time. The 2nd segment felt just as good as the first. After finishing up with a .5 mile cool down, it was time for some dinner (and was I ever hungry).

I finished the work out with 7.25 miles total with 6 at tempo pace. Overall it was an excellent work out. I only have 1 more high mile tempo work out before the taper begins.

Yes... the race is only a little over 6 weeks out.

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