Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Another Early, Rainy Tuesday

Well... it was raining AGAIN when I rolled out of bed at 0400 this morning. It was off and on as far as heavy/light rain. It was not going to be pretty as the wind was blowing at about 17 mph. This is probably the worst day of running Scott and I have had since we started this training.

The plan was to run 10 miles. I switched up the route when I showed at the Y but Scott was ok. I thought that maybe we could include some hills on this run. Contrary to Saturday's run, I was feeling pretty good. I think Scott would have rather been anywhere but on the roads but he was a trooper this morning. Did I tell you that the weather was absolutely horrible???

We completed our 10 mile run right at 9:00 minute pace. I am starting to feel the affects of this long training plan. I'm not feeling as strong at this point as I was say 10 weeks ago but I am still hanging in there. The good thing is that our last mile was run at 8:15 pace.

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