And loving every minute of it! The past 2 weeks I have been alternating running and riding the recumbent bike every other day. Last night, I even attempted some speed work although it is nowhere near where I was a few months back. I have to remember "baby steps".
My plan is to establish a good base over the winter by following Hal Higdon's Novice Marathon Plan. I also want to spend a couple days establishing my riding legs over the winter. But first I need a trainer. That's tops on my Christmas list. So in the mean time, the recumbent bike will have to work.
I am running only 3-4 miles at a time. I have absolutely no stamina but I know it will return quickly.
My first major running injury has knocked me down, but not out. I'm bbbaaaacccckkkkk!
Well & Being and Willow Stream Spa
11 years ago